「ゴルフ大会」のご案内 Golf Competition
日時: 2012年5月5日(土) 雨天決行
集合時間: 8:40 (第1組インスタート 9:10)
場所: 有馬ロイヤルゴルフクラブ<ロイヤルコース>
※ 会場地図、ルールなどの詳細は、後日参加の方々にご連絡いたします。
We are pleased to announce the annual Golf Competition as below:
Date & time: Saturday, May 5, 2012 (Rain or shine)
Teeing off at 9:10 a.m. (on the back side)
You are kindly requested at the club by 8:40 a.m.
Course: The Arima Royal Golf Club “Royal Course”
Sign-up: Please contact JASO Executive Office at jaso@suntory.co.jp by end Mar.
Further information such as the access map and the rule will be sent to the participants later.
【Entry for this event has been closed】
アーリントンカップ観戦抽選会 “Arlington Cup Horserace” Draw
February 10, 2012
“Arlington Cup Horserace” Draw was held
A draw for “Arlington Cup Horserace” was conducted on February 10, following the Membership Committee with both Mr. Julian Burt and Mr. Katsuya Fukunaga presented as observers. We had 60 applicants for this event and Mr. Yukio Yoshimura, JASO Deputy General Secretary, picked up 45 lucky winners. For those who were unfortunate at the draw, another opportunity was specially set on March 11 to watch races from the Hanshin Racetrack’s VIP room to the courtesy of JRA.
入会委員会を開催しました Membership Committee was held
February 10, 2012
Membership Committee was held
On February 10, a Membership Committee was convened with JASO Vice-President Mr. Julian Burt and JASO Executive Director Mr. Katsuya Fukunaga attended. The Membership Committee was held quarterly and since the last meeting in November, we had 30 applications that were presented by JASO Executive Office to be processed in the Committee. All the 30 applications were successfully cleared and along with 19 who indicated resigning, the total number of JASO membership became 827.