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事務局お休みのお知らせ Holiday Closing





Announcement of Holiday Closing


JASO Office will be closed from Saturday, April 28 to Sunday, May 6. 

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.



講演会のご案内 Notice for a Talk

講演会「トモダチ作戦と日米の絆 Part 2 ― 自衛隊とアメリカ 東日本大震災での共同作戦」


 大阪日米協会では、昨年9月に在日米海軍パウロ・マックルール中佐による講演会「トモダチ作戦と日米の絆」を開催致しましたが、この度、陸上自衛隊第三師団長 番匠幸一郎陸将をお招きして、講演会「トモダチ作戦と日米の絆 Part 2 ― 自衛隊とアメリカ 東日本大震災での共同作戦」を下記の通り開催する運びとなりました。






◎講師          陸上自衛隊第3師団長 陸将 番匠幸一郎

◎日時          2012年5月24日(木)

                       講演会 ・・・ 15:00~16:30(開場14:30)

                       懇親会 ・・・ 16:30~17:30

◎場所          大阪国際交流センター・小ホール (定員170名、 先着順)


◎参加費      1,000円(大阪日米協会、大阪防衛協会、ACCJ、大阪・サンフランシスコ姉妹都市協会) 

                   2,000円 非会員

◎申込み      所定の申込用紙にてファックスかEmailで5月18日(金)までにお申し込み下さい。

 (申込用紙につきましては大阪日米協会事務局までお問い合わせください  jaso@suntory.co.jp )


主催:       大阪日米協会/公益財団法人大阪国際交流センター

協力:       シェラトン都ホテル大阪、サントリーホールディングス株式会社

後援:       大阪市、大阪防衛協会、駐大阪・神戸アメリカ合衆国総領事館、






Operation Tomodachi and the Japan–U.S. Relationship Part 2

– SDF and USFJ on the joint operation in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake” 

       We are pleased to announce that we will host a talk “Operation Tomodachi and the Japan–U.S. Relationship Part 2 – SDF and USFJ on the joint operation in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake” to be delivered by Lieutenant General Koichiro Bansho, Commanding General, 3rd Division, JGSDF.  This is a sequel to the talk we had last September by Commander Paul McClure of the U.S. Navy on the similar topic but to be accounted from the other side.


   Depth and magnitude of the devastation inflicted by the earthquake are still to be measured.  Nevertheless, it is certain that through the rescue mission carried out by the U.S. Forces – Operation Tomodachi – on an unprecedented scale, we came to a full realization how important the Japan-U.S. relationship has been.   

       The Japan-America Society of Osaka considers that the bond demonstrated in the joint operation between SDF and USFJ represents an extremely important aspect of the current Japan-U.S. relationship. In the light of this, we will invite Mr. Koichiro Bansho of SDF, who was very much instrumental in maintaining a tight liaison between SDF and USFJ in Operation Tomodachi in order to implement a large number of extremely complicated rescue and reconstruction missions.  Mr. Bansho who studied at the Strategic Studies Institute of US Army War College, served as the commander in the first PKO mission by SDF in Samawah, Iraq in 2004. With such an international background he is very much well known for his deep insight and knowledge in the international relations and security issues.

       This event is organized as a part of the 55th year anniversary program commemorating the cities Osaka and San Francisco made a sister city treaty in 1957.

We are looking forward to your participation in the event.



Date:           Thursday, May 24, 2012


Time:         Talk 15:00-16:30 (doors open at 14:30) Reception 16:30-17:30


Venue:        International House Osaka, Sho-hall http://www.ih-osaka.or.jp/english/

                      (If you need English translation please notify us when signing-up)


Admission:     JASO member 1,000 yen / Non-member 2,000 yen


Availability:   170 seats (on a first-come-first-served basis)


Sign-up:     Apply with the sign-up sheet via Fax or email by no later than Friday, May 18, 2012

                  The sign-up sheet is available from the JASO Executive Office at   jaso@suntory.co.jp 


Organizer: Japan-America Society of Osaka / International House of Osaka

In Cooperation with Sheraton Miyako Hotel Osaka and Suntory Holdings Limited

Patronized by the City of Osaka, Defense Society of Osaka, the U.S. Consulate General Osaka-Kobe and ACCJ in Kansai.



フィールド・トリップをアップ Field Trip in Kyoto



We have uploaded a report on” Field Trip in Kyoto” at Activity Report


大阪日米協会からのお知らせ NEWS

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