CtH[V infomation


大阪日米協会 ゴルフ大会 JASO Golf Tournament





会 員 各 位


大阪日米協会 事務局






拝啓 早春の候、時下ますますご清祥の段、お慶び申し上げます。



参加ご希望の方は、4月22日(金)までに、下記「参加連絡票」に記入のうえ、FAXまたはEmailにて事務局までお知らせくださいますよう、 お願い申し上げます。



敬 具



日  時:  2016年5月22日(日) 雨天決行 集合時間: 9:20am (第1組 OUTスタート 9:52am)

集合場所:     パッティンググリーン前

場  所:  有馬ロイヤルゴルフクラブ<ロイヤルコース> http://www.arima-royal.com/

費  用:  □会費・・・5,000円(懇親会、景品代に充当)



お申込 : 4月22日(金)までに、下記「参加連絡票」に、会員名、連絡先(携帯番号)、オフィシャルHDCP (無い場合は平均スコア)をご記載いただきEメールかファックスにて事務局までお申込ください。

Email: jaso@rihga.co.jp Fax: 06-6448-4766

定  員: 16名  *定員を超えた場合は、抽選とさせていただきます。

服  装: 男性はプレザーを着用

その他    : アクセス地図、ルールなど詳細は、後日参加の方々にご連絡させて頂きます。

以 上




March 29, 2016



Dear Members,


We are pleased to announce the annual Golf Tournament to be scheduled as below:


Date & time: Sunday, May 22nd, 2016 (Rain or shine)

*Meet at the patting green at 9:20am

*Tee time at 9:52 am (Royal Course OUT)

*You are kindly requested to arrive at the club by 8:20 a.m.


Course: The Arima Royal Golf Club “Royal Course”


571 Kitabatake, Aga-cho, Kita-ku, Kobe, 651-1616 Hyogo


Fee:  5,000yen (for prizes and the reception)

*Please note that Green fee should be paid individually. Play fee: 25,500yen including caddy fee& service fee/tax.


Sign-up: Please download the application form from our website and print it out.

Please fill it out and include your JASO member name, contact number, and official HDCP (please write down

your average score if you don’t have one).

Please submit your applications by email to jaso @ rihga .co.jp or fax: 06-6448-4766 by no later than April 22nd, 2016(Fri).


Dress code: Jackets are requested


The number of participants is limited to 16, and if the turnout exceeds 16, we will have a name drawing.

Further information (access map / the rules) will be sent to the participants later.


Sincerely yours,


JASO Executive Office


※お申込はこちらから Application form「参加連絡票」








◆日時:2016年3月7日(月曜日)18時~20時30分 【参加費無料】



















主催 : 国際交流基金日米センター(CGP)

共催 : 米日カウンシル(U.S.-Japan Council)、神戸新聞社

後援 : 外務省、駐大阪・神戸アメリカ総領事館、兵庫県、神戸市



The Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership (CGP) organizes the Japanese American Leadership Symposium under the auspices of The Japanese American Leadership Delegation (JALD) program with assistance from the U.S.-Japan Council (USJC) and other local organizations every year.

This year’s symposium will be held as follows;,/p>

Japanese American Leadership Symposium 2016 “Toward a Secure Society : Challenges in Diversity and Inclusion”

Date: March 7(Mon), 6 PM to 8:30 PM (Register before March 3rd)

Venue: ANA Crowne Plaza Kobe 9F “Rosemary”,/p>

CGP Website: http://www.jpf.go.jp/cgp/e/exchange/event/160307_e.html

Please register no later than March 3rd.

Email: cgpc@jpf.go.jp

Required Information for registration

1.Name 2.Title/ Affiliation 3.Contact Information (Tel)


Co-Organized by : U.S.-Japan Council, The Kobe Shimbun

Supported by:Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Consulate General of the U.S. inOsaka-Kobe, Hyogo Prefectural Government, Kobe City Government,Hyogo international Association



春のフィールドトリップのご案内 ~ Spring Field Trip ~



会 員 各 位





会長 川崎 亨






拝啓 梅花の候、時下ますますご清祥の段、お慶び申し上げます。





敬 具



日 時       2016年3月27日(日) 8:45~15:45 (受付 8:30~)


8:45  集 合 大阪駅南西側の「大阪モード学園」前 【バスにご乗車】

10:00  「石清水八幡宮&エジソン記念碑」参拝 (八幡市八幡高坊30)

11:30  「京都吉兆」松花堂店にて昼食 (八幡市八幡女郎花43)

13:15  「アサヒビール大山崎山荘美術館」見学 (京都府乙訓郡大山崎町銭原5-3)

15:30  解 散 大阪駅付近




会 費: 会員 9,500円 非会員11,500円 米国人留学生 4,000円

定 員: 50名





お申込はこちらから ; Letter_for_FT0327jp

以 上




February, 2016



Dear members,


We hope this letter finds you well. Thank you for your continuous support of JASO.

We are organizing a Field Trip by bus at the end of March. At this time, we plan to visit the Iwashimizu Hachiman Shrine, which was designated as a national treasure this year, and has an interesting connection to the life and work of Thomas Edison, who used bamboo collected from the groves at the shrine. We will start with a tour of the shrine with led and narrated by a Shinto priest. After completing the tour, we will enjoy a traditional Shokado bento box at the restaurant Kyoto Kitcho. When making improvements on the design of this special bento box, the owner of Kyoto Kitcho drew inspiration from the personal small toolbox belonging to Priest Shojo Shokado of the Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine. In the afternoon, we will spend a relaxing time at the Asahi Beer Oyamazaki Villa Museum of Art and its beautiful garden.

We look forward to your participation!


Schedule: Date: Sunday, March. 27th 2016

Time: (TBD)

8:45  Meet at the OSAKA MODE GAKUEN ( 200 meters west of JR Osaka Station)

10:00  A tour of the Iwashimizu Hachiman Shrine

11:30  Lunch at Kyoto Kitcho, “Shokado” bento box

13:15  A tour of the Asahi Beer Oyamazaki Villa Museum of Art

15:30  Arrive back at the OSAKA MODE GAKUEN

* Each tour takes 60 minutes on foot. Please wear casual cloths and comfortable walking shoes.

Availability: 50 (Those who are successfully registered will be informed around Mar. 15th.)

Fee:  JASO Member 9,500yen, Non-member 11,500yen, American-Student 4,000yen

Fill in the below form and send it back to us via fax or email no later than Sunday, Mar. 13th.

*The participants will receive a detailed schedule and information later.


Sincerely yours,




Japan-America Society of Osaka

Application form;Letter_for_FT0327en


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