CtH[V infomation


2016 年度 年次総会・懇親会のご案内 2016 Annual General Meeting and the Reception

会 員 各 位




会長 川崎  亨



拝啓 初夏の候 皆様ますますご健勝のこととお慶び申し上げます。





敬 具



◎日時: 2016年7月29日(金)

17:00                    受付開始

17:30~18:00  年次総会

18:00~20:00  懇親会

◎場所: リーガロイヤルホテル 2階 「山楽の間」

◎会費: 会員 9,000円、非会員 11,000円、米国人学生会員 3,000円




※ キャンセル期限 7月21日(木)


三菱東京UFJ銀行 大阪営業部 普通0277905

口座名:大阪日米協会(事務局長 眞田 政典)




Dear Members,


I am pleased to announce that we will hold 2016 Annual General Meeting on Friday, July 29th, 2016 at RIHGA Royal Hotel Osaka.

Among agendas to be discussed are reports on the activities that took place during the fiscal year of 2015 and event proposals for the fiscal year of 2016.

Following the Meeting we will have a reception for getting to know with new members, mingling with the old faces and catching up with latest news.

I look forward to your  participation and seeing you at the event.






Japan-America Society of Osaka

* * *


Date & time: Friday, July 29th, 2016

17:00                       Registration desk opens

17:30~18:00       Annual General Meeting

18:00~20:00      Reception

Place:           RIHGA Royal Hotel Osaka 2F, “SANRAKU”

Fee:               Member  9,000yen / non-member 11,000yen/ American Student member 3,000yen

Fill in the form attached and send back to us via fax or email no later than Tuesday, July 19th, 2016

Sign-up fee should be paid through bank transfer by Thursday, July 21st, 2016

Please note that the cancelation deadline is on Thursday, July 21st, 2016.


*Bank information

Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank, Osaka-Eigyobu,

Account no. Futsuu Kouza 0277905,  Account name: Osaka Nichibei Kyokai


Application form; 2016 Annual General Meeting PDF



Japanese Culture Workshop Day  日本文化まるごと体験DAY

恒例となりました、大阪日米協会ユース・サポート委員会企画による「第5回 日本文化まるごと体験DAY」を関西大学様と共催にて下記のとおり実施いたします。





第5回 日本文化まるごと体験DAY


◎日時:2016年7月3日(日)  10:00~16:00

◎場所:   関西大学100周年記念ホール

◎料金:   無料

◎お申込: Eメールにて「名前」「電話番号」「国籍」「(留学先)大学名」を記入し、jaso@rihga.co.jp までお申込ください。


詳細チラシはこちらから ; JapaneseCulture WorkshopDay2016.pdf




We are pleased to announce that we will have a JASO cultural exchange program “Japanese Culture Workshop DAY” on Sunday, July 3rd 2016. 
Cosponsored by JASO and Kansai University, it will be held at Kansai University Centenary Memorial Hall.

In “Japanese Culture Workshop Day,” 11 workshops featuring traditional Japanese cultural practices “Calligraphy” ”Tea ceremony” “Ikebana” “Samurai Sword Fighting”  “Ken-Dama” “Tombo-Dama” “Origami”  “Wagashi” “Chigirie””Japanese Kimono Dressing” “Ogasawara-ryu School of Etiquette” will be set up in order to give international students hands-on experience in the traditional Japanese culture. And you can learn how to draw “Manga”, known as the ultimate pop culture of Japan. Moreover, you can enjoy traditional Japanese performances
on stage; Japanese drum performance and Kabuki play “Narukami” performed by Miotsukushi Kabuki.

Please sign-up and join us.


Japanese Culture Workshop Day

Co-Organized by:  Japan-America Society of Osaka and Kansai University

Collaborated with: Nonprofit Organization Dairaku-Shoraku


◎ Date & time:   Sunday, July 3rd, 2016         10:00 – 16:00

◎ Venue:   Kansai University Centenary Memorial Hall

◎ Fee:        Free of charge

* To sign-up for the workshop, please send your name, Tel#, Nationality and University’s name studying in Japan to JASO Executive Office by Email

Email address: jaso@rihga.co.jp



For more information ; JapaneseCulture WorkshopDay2016.pdf



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