2024年度総会・懇親会 2024 Annual General Meeting and Reception






総会後には懇親会が開催され、JASO 黒田雅史会長による挨拶に引き続き、

来賓を代表して政府代表・特命全権大使 姫野勉様よりご挨拶を頂きました。

その後、在大阪・神戸米国総領事 ジェイソン・R・クーバス様によるご挨拶と乾杯のご発声で懇親会がスタートしました。




All proposals were approved at the FY2024 Board of Directors Meeting and General Meeting held on Friday, July 26, 2024, at the RIHGA Royal Hotel Osaka.


Following the general meeting, a reception was held, with opening remarks by JASO Chairman Masashi Kuroda, followed by remarks by Mr. Tsutomu Himeno, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan, on behalf of the guests of honor.

After that, Mr. Jason R Cubas, U.S. Consul General in Osaka-Kobe, gave a speech and proposed a toast to start the reception.


With live jazz music playing in the background, the guests enjoyed a pleasant time of chatting and dining on various Japanese dishes such as sushi and soba noodles, in addition to hamburgers and other dishes typical of the U.S.

We will be sending the resolution of the General Meeting to all members shortly.



Photos are on Photo Gallery. Please check it out!

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