2025年 新年パーティー 2025 New Year’s Party

JASO黒田会長、在大阪・神戸米国総領事館 渉外広報部長 アカシュ・スーリ様のご挨拶に続き、壇上では、政府代表/特命全権大使(関西担当)姫野勉様、アカシュ・スーリ様、JASO黒田会長、嘉納副会長による鏡開きが執り行われ、姫野勉様によるご挨拶・乾杯のご発声のもと、パーティーが開宴しました。
JASO’s annual New Year’s party was held at Sanraku-no-Ma, RIHGA Royal Hotel Osaka on Friday, January 17, 2025, with approximately 110 people attending.
Following the greetings from JASO President Masashi Kuroda and Mr. Akash Suri, Public Affairs Officer, U.S. Consulate General, Osaka-Kobe, a “Kagamibiraki” Sake Barrel Breaking ceremony was conducted on the stage, led by Mr. Tsutomu Himeno, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary for Kansai, Consul General Akash Suri, JASO President Kuroda, and JASO Vice President Kano. The party was opened by a greeting and toast by Mr. Himeno.
With live jazz music playing, everyone enjoyed conversation and delicious foods from RIHGA Royal Hotel Osaka and deepened their friendship.
The much-awaited annual raffle with gorgeous prizes was a great success, and all participants had a great time before taking home lucky bags generously donated by corporate members and sponsors.
We would like to express our gratitude to all the sponsors and other people involved for their help in bringing this event to a successful conclusion.
*Please check the Photo Gallery for the photos.