JASO Barbeque Party
6月10日(日)に鶴見緑地公園バーベキュー場にて、バーベキュー・パーティを開催しました。梅雨入り後最初の日曜日でありましたが、絶好のバーベキュー日和に恵まれ、20代~30代を中心とした140名の参加者たちが、14台のテーブルに別れ、炭火で香ばしく焼けた肉や野菜などを、大量に用意されたビールやワインと共に美味しくほお張りました。 このイベントは米国人および若い世代の参画を促すために今年新設された「ユース・サポート委員会」(YSC)の第一回目の企画となり、留学生やJETプログラム教員(国が行う中学・高校で英語を教える外国人教師派遣プログラム参加者)などに広く声をかけた結果、留学生9名、JET教員35名を含む外国人61名が参加しました。日本人参加者79名とともに、JASOの活動の中でも近年稀にみる若者の熱気に満ちあふれた楽しい国際交流イベントとなりました。
アトラクションでは、当初みなが恥ずかしがるのではと心配された”We are the World”の大合唱も、多くの参加者が大声を張り上げて熱唱し、若者の歌声を青空に響かせました。 引き続き、京都大学ダブル・ダッチチーム”MTTR”による見事な縄跳びパフォーマンスが披露され、参加者たちから大歓声と手拍子を浴びて会場は大いに盛り上がりました。ちなみにこのチームは、8月にフロリダで開催される2012年ダブルダッチ世界選手権の日本代表に選ばれています。
アトラクション最後のクライマックスは「全員ジャンケン大会」です。YSCの中心メンバー北野登己郎氏を相手に、参加者全員がジャンケンを行い、勝者が賞品を獲得するという趣向です。司会の「ジャンケンポン!」の掛け声とともに、参加者全員が片手を空に向かって突き上げ、会場の熱気は最高潮に達しました。ジャンケンは2回行われ、見事1位を勝ち取ったお二人は、リーガロイヤルホテル様からご提供いただいたペア宿泊券と帝国ホテル様からご提供いただいたペア食事券の豪華賞品をそれぞれ手にし、参加者たちから喝采を浴びました。 参加者からご回答いただいたアンケートでは、多くの方がこうしたイベントをぜひ今後も続けるよう希望していました。
Sunday, June 10, 2012
On Sunday, June 10, we had a barbeque party at the barbeque area in the Tsurumi Ryokuchi Park. Although we had supposedly entered “tsu-yu” the rainy season a week before, the weather was almost perfect for having a barbeque: not too much heat and no rain drops at all. The attendees, 140 altogether, most of them were 20s and 30s, with 61 non-Japanese including 9 international students and 35 JET program teachers, were grouped into 14 tables to enjoy wonderful meat deliciously grilled over charcoal fire as well as make themselves boozed up over unlimited amount of Suntory beer and Wines !
Possibly it was the first time that so many young non-Japanese people came to a JASO event and met its members since it has started 66 years ago. This was due to the great effort made by the Youth Support Committee (YSC), just recently created to tackle issues like increasing participation of both Americans and young people: through YSC members’ network we spread around the event’s info and managed to get so many international participants. Also, in preparing for the party there were lots of things that required many hands: purchasing and delivering a huge amount food and drinks, cutting vegetables, sorting food into table’s portions, carrying out icebreaking programs and planning ways to control the crowds without PA (which was prohibited by the park regulation). All these things were done by YSC members and their friends who came to help us as volunteers. Without them, this event would never be possible.
BBQ kicked off in style with proposing a toast by U.S. Consul General Patrick Linehan, who was accompanied by his husband Mr. Emerson Kanegusuke. At tables it didn’t take time for the participants to get to know each other: they soon stated talking like friends by working together grilling and exchanging their barbeque secrets.
In attraction program, firstly, we sang together “We are the World.” Despite worries that people might be too shy to sing, it turned out to be that everyone really enjoyed it letting out their voices up in the sky as loudly as possible. Following the singing, Kyoto University’s double-dutch (rope skipping) team “MTTR” demonstrated really amazing rope-skipping performances, which were met by lots of claps and cheers from the crowds. The climax of the attraction was an “All-out Janken Battle,” in which everyone there participated in janken battle against Mr. Tomio Kitano, one of YSC leaders, and the final winner walked away with a wonderful prize. With MC’s call “Janken Pon !” people raised a hand into the air as high as possible with either “rock,” “scissors” or “paper” and the entire atmosphere was exalted to a peak level. We had two janken sessions and two winners from each session got prizes kindly donated by JASO member companies: a overnight stay voucher for two provided by Rihga Royal Hotel Osaka and a buffet voucher for two donated by the Imperial Hotel Osaka.
All the participants enjoyed eating, drinking and talking in the barbeque and many of them voiced their wishes that this kind of event should continue in future.