2015アーリントンカップ観戦 Arlington Cup Horse Race
We had our winter annual event to watch the Arlington Cup Horse Race from the VIP room at JRA Hanshin Race Track on February 28th, 2015. We, very much appreciated the presence of USCG Mr. Allen Greenberg and Ambassador Mr. Miwa. Since, it was the opening day for the Race Track for 2015, the green on the course was amazingly beautiful, when looking down from the room which provided a magnificent view. This year, we received many applicants for the 59 Seats, The lucky attendees were very fortunate in having been chosen in the Draw. Towards the main race, the atmosphere became electrifying, particularly with the several participants being winners in earlier races. For the main race of this year, it was reported that the popular race house “the Favorite” was not running, causing confusion amongst the betters in selecting a winner without “The Favorite” in the race. The “Arlington Cup” race, was won by the horse “Young Man Power” having made a final spurt over taking the front-runners in a flash. USCG Mr. Allen Greenberg handed the Cup in the Winner’s Circle” ceremony to the owner of the horse, Mr. Juichi Hoshino. At the reception held afterwards, the atmosphere became very pleasant and joyful, especially with the winners exchanging their results with each other.
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