音楽イベント「空の共演」 ~Music Event “Sky Co-starring”~







誰もが口ずさめるボーカル・ナンバーなど幅広いレパートリーを取り揃え、「Pennsylvania 6-5000」をはじめとするグレン・ミラーメドレーやルイ・アームストロングの「On the Sunny Side of the Street」など、素晴らしい演奏の時間はあっという間に過ぎました。

米国空軍太平洋音楽隊と航空自衛隊中部航空音楽隊による合同セッション「In the mood」で締めくくりとなり、参加された皆様は選りすぐりのミュージシャンで構成されたビッグバンドによる様々なスタイルのいろんな時代のジャズを心ゆくまでご堪能されました。

最後に、ご来賓を代表して政府代表・特命全権大使 姫野様からご挨拶をいただき、この6月をもって大阪日米協会副会長のアリシア・エドワーズ領事が離任される事により、お礼に花束をお渡しするサプライズ演出もあり、大盛況におわりました。



On Sunday, June 19, 2022, the U.S. Air Force Pacific Band “Pacific Showcase” and the Japan Air Self-Defense Force Chubu Band “Sky Sounds” held a joint concert “Sky Co-starring” at the International Conference Hall of the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

This was the fourth musical event by the Japan-America Society of Osaka in the five years and was made possible by the generous support of the U.S. Air Force Pacific Band.

A total of 272 people attended, including JASO members and students of the Osaka International Takii High School Brass Band.


“Pacific Showcase” is a big band formed by members of the U.S. Air Force Pacific Band, specializing in “Jazz”, a unique American musical style.

With a wide repertoire including vocal numbers that anyone could sing along to, the time flew by in a wonderful performance that included a Glenn Miller Medley “Pennsylvania 6-5000″ and Louis Armstrong’s “On the Sunny Side of the Street”.

The performance concluded with a joint session of “In the mood” by the U.S. Air Force Pacific Band and the Japan Air Self-Defense Force Chubu Band, where participants enjoyed various styles of jazz from various eras performed by the big band composed of selected musicians.


The U.S. Air Force Pacific Band also presented an unexpected commemorative gift to Mr. Yoshikawa, JASO President, making the event of Japan-U.S. exchange through music greatly enlivened.

In closing, Mr. Himeno, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Representative of the Government of Japan, delivered a speech on behalf of the guests. Also, the event ended on a high note with a surprise bouquet of flowers to Ms. Alicia Edwards, Vice President of JASO who would be leaving her post this June.


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