会長ごあいさつ president's message

黒田 雅史

大阪日米協会会長の就任にあたりご挨拶申し上げます。歴史ある当協会の運営を担うことになり、身に余る光栄と存じますと共に、その責任の重さに身の引き締まる思いがいたします。当協会は1946年、「日米両国民の親睦と相互理解をはかり、文化の交流に寄与すること」を目的に設立されて今日までの77年間、その目的を達成するための多岐に亘る活動が、良好な日米関係の構築に大いに貢献されてきたと認識しております。 日本を取り囲む環境は、世界各国で新型コロナ対策に伴う規制の撤廃が進み、「ウィズコロナ」のもとでの正常化の歩みが進む中、急速な変化を遂げており注視を要する状況となっております。近隣諸国をはじめとした様々な国との協調関係が必要なことはもちろん、最重要国である米国との連携を揺るぎないものにすることが今後、ますます重要であることは言うまでもありません。

I would like to offer my greetings upon assuming the position of President of the Japan-America Society of Osaka. It is a great honor for me to assume the management of this historic association, and I am humbled by the responsibility of being entrusted with such an important role. The association was established in 1946 with the purpose of “promoting friendship and mutual understanding between the people of the U.S. and Japan and contributing to cultural exchange”, and we recognize that over the past 77 years, the wide range of activities to achieve this objective has contributed greatly to building a closer relationship between our countries.

The circumstances in Japan are undergoing rapid changes that require close attention as countries around the world eliminate the regulations that were a response to COVID-19, and progress is made toward normalization under the “with-corona” lifestyle. It goes without saying that it is necessary to have cooperative relations with various countries, including neighboring countries, and that it will be increasingly important for us to maintain unwavering cooperation with our most important partner, the United States.

By learning about and interacting with the culture, history, and national character of both countries, we aim to further strengthen and deepen the partnership between the U.S and Japan, and build bridges between our countries. We at the Society will do our best to meet your expectations, and we look forward to your continued guidance and cooperation.





Masashi Kuroda

Japan-America Society of Osaka

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