「ゴルフ大会」のご案内 Golf Competition
日時: 2012年5月5日(土) 雨天決行
集合時間: 8:40 (第1組インスタート 9:10)
場所: 有馬ロイヤルゴルフクラブ<ロイヤルコース>
※ 会場地図、ルールなどの詳細は、後日参加の方々にご連絡いたします。
We are pleased to announce the annual Golf Competition as below:
Date & time: Saturday, May 5, 2012 (Rain or shine)
Teeing off at 9:10 a.m. (on the back side)
You are kindly requested at the club by 8:40 a.m.
Course: The Arima Royal Golf Club “Royal Course”
Sign-up: Please contact JASO Executive Office at jaso@suntory.co.jp by end Mar.
Further information such as the access map and the rule will be sent to the participants later.
【Entry for this event has been closed】