フィールド・トリップのご案内 Field Trip in Kyoto

建仁寺 Kennin-ji
「建仁寺」 http://www.kenninji.jp/
「祇園 豆寅」 http://r.tabelog.com/kyoto/A2603/A260301/26002633/
「丸益西村屋」 http://www.marumasu-nishimuraya.co.jp/

丸益西村屋 Marumasu Nishimuraya
◎ 日時: 2012年4月7日(土) 集合「建仁寺」8:30、現地解散16:00頃
◎ スケジュール:
8:45~10:00 座禅会 「建仁寺」 ※椅子もご用意できます
10:00~10:50 建仁寺内見学
11:00~13:00 昼食 「祇園 豆寅」
13:20~14:20 桜鑑賞 円山公園(八坂神社・知恩院散策)
15:00~16:00 京友禅ワークショップ 「丸益西村屋」
◎ 会費: 会員 7,000円/非会員 9,000円
◎ 定員: 30名(申込順に受け付け)
◎ 服装: 動きやすい服装・歩きやすい履物 (徒歩&地下鉄移動。計1時間ほど歩きます)
◎ お申し込み:FaxかEmailでお申し込み下さい。
※ 受付された方に、後日、詳細ご案内をお送りします。

Shidare Sakura in the Maruyama Park
Field Trip in Kyoto
“Zazen-kai and Kyo-Yuzen Workshop”
We will organize a Field Trip “Zazen-kai and Kyo-yuzen Workshop in Kyoto” on Saturday, April 7, 2012.
In the morning, we will have a Zazen-kai (Zen meditation) at “Kennin-ji”, the oldest Zen temple in Kyoto. After having for lunch Mame sushi zen, a course with collection of beautiful tiny sushis at “Mame Tora” in the heart of Gion, we will walk to the Maruyama Park, where you can see famous shidare-sakura (weeping cherry blossoms) in full bloom. In the afternoon, we will visit a Kyo-yuzen factory “Marumasu Nishimuraya” where we hold a workshop to get experience of Kyo-yuzen-zome, a traditional dye technique for Kimonos made in Kyoto.
As this event is limited to 30 people on a first-come-first-served basis, we advise you to sign up as soon as possible. The entry will be closed on March 23 or when the signees reach 30.
We believe that taking part in Zazen-kai and Kyo-yuzen workshop with the beautiful Kyoto-in-spring backdrop will be your lasting memory of Japan forever. We look forward to your participation in this event.
Entry has been Closed
「Kenninji」 http://www.kenninji.jp/
「Gion Mame Tora」 http://r.tabelog.com/kyoto/A2603/A260301/26002633/
「Marumasu Nishimuraya」 http://www.marumasu-nishimuraya.co.jp/
◎ Date & time: Saturday, April 7 Meeting in “Kennin-ji” at 8:30 / breaking up at around 16:00
◎ Schedule: 8:45~10:00 Zazen-kai in “Kennin-ji”
10:00~10:50 Guided tour in “Kennin-ji”
11:00~13:00 Lunch “Gion Mame Tora”
13:20~14:20 Visit the Maruyama Park (Yasaka Shrine and Chionin Temple)
15:00~16:00 Kyo-yuzen Workshop at “Marumasu Nishimuraya”
◎ Fee: Member 7,000 yen / Non-member 9,000 yen
◎ Availability: 30(on a first-come-first-served basis)
◎ Dress cord: Casual dress & walking shoes
◎ Please sign up either via Fax or Email Signees will receive maps and a detailed schedule later.