CtH[V infomation


「大阪にあるアメリカゆかりの地を訪ねる街歩き」のご案内  Walk Tour: America-Related Places in Osaka





◎ 日時: 2012年9月29日(土)  13:00~17:30頃

◎ スケジュール:       13:00                 集合(中之島公会堂正面)

                                      13:00~14:30     中之島公会堂~三休橋筋周辺

                                      14:30~15:30     綿業会館にて見学・喫茶休憩

                                      15:30~17:30     地下鉄で移動、淀屋橋、肥後橋、土佐堀周辺

                                      17:30                 解散(朝日放送本社前)

※ おもな訪問先: 中之島公会堂、浪花教会、綿業会館、梅花女学校跡地、大阪教会、福沢諭吉の碑など

◎ 会費:            会員 2,000円/非会員 2,500円 (資料代、喫茶代、地下鉄代込み)

◎ 定員:            30名(申込順に受け付け)

◎ 服装:            動きやすい服装・歩きやすい履物 (徒歩での移動時間は計1時間20分ほどです)

◎ 申込み:         FaxかEmailでお申し込み下さい。

※ 受付された方に、後日、詳細ご案内をお送りします。※英語の通訳付き



Field Trip

Walk Tour: Discovering America-Related Places in Osaka



     We will have a Field Trip “Walk Tour: Discovering America-Related Places in Osaka” on Saturday, September 29, 2012.

     After the Meiji Restoration in 1868, foreigners were allowed to travel to Japan after 200 years of the national isolation, and enclaves for foreign residents were set up near major ports across Japan. One of such enclaves was opened in Osaka at the Kawaguchi district (near Awaza Sta.) and many American missionaries came to evangelize there, which resulted in founding churches and women’s schools etc.  In the tour we will visit such churches and places related to American missionaries’ activities.  Also we will follow the foot paths of people engaged in Japan-America relations at the turn of the period from Edo to Meiji, as well as looking at important architecture by American architect William Merrell Vories.  This tour is guided by an expert from the Education Commission of Osaka City and the guide will be translated into English.

     As this event’s capacity is limited to 30 people on a first-come-first-served basis, it is recommend to sign up as soon as possible.  The entry will be closed on September 14 or when the signees reach 30.  We look forward to your participation.


◎ Date & time:          Saturday, September 29 13:00 – 17:30

◎ Schedule:              13:00                Meet at Nakanoshima Kokaido(near Naniwa-bashi sta.)

                                 13:00~14:30    Walk along Sankyu-bashi suji

                                 14:30~15:30   Visit Mengyo Kaikan and Cafe break

                                 15:30~17:30   Walk in Yodoyabashi, Higobashi and Tosabori areas

                                 17:30          Break up near ABC Hall (near Nakano-shima sta.)

◎ Fee:                       Member 2,000 yen / Non-member 2,500 yen (including subway and cafe fee)

◎ Availability:            30(on a first-come-first-served basis)

◎ Please sign up either via Fax or Email Signees will receive detailed maps and a schedule later. 


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