CtH[V infomation


BBQのご案内 BBQ Party will be held on May 12


We are organizing a Barbecue Party at the Tsurumi Ryokuchi Park (please see the map below) on Sunday, May 12.


 JASO BBQ 2013 Flyer


We have booked the park’s entire camp site, equipped with 10 barbecue tables, which will  allow about 100 people to get together to feast on great food and cold Suntory beers (wines and soft drinks are also available).  It will be an occasion to meet friendly people both Japanese and international from various backgrounds.  There will be also recreational games to make people more involved with each other.


Please sign-up now: it is limited to only 100 people on a first-come-first-served basis.



Date & Time:       Sunday, May 12, 2013  12:00-16:00

Place:              The Camp Site in the Tsurumi Ryokuchi Park (JASO BBQ 2013 Map).

Fee:                   Kids (elementary school and under) Free / Students 1,000 yen(any nationality)

                            Others (JASO & non-JASO members) 2,000 yen

                       Please pay your fee at the event.

Availability:         Students 50 and others 50, to be served on first-come-first-served basis

Sign-up:            Contact JASO Executive Office at jaso@suntory.co.jp  

                    Sign-up entry closes on April 30.

                             Cancellation dead line is on May 7.



IMPORTANT  On May 9, we will decide to carry on or abort this event based on the weather forecasts for May 12.  In the case of cancellation, we will inform you via email or phone (if it will take place as planned, we will NOT contact you).  Also please check our website for further notice at www.jaso-1946.com.





JASO BBQ 2013 Flyer





◎ 日時:      2013年5月12日(日) 12:00~16:00

◎ 場所:      鶴見緑地公園キャンプサイト  集合 12:00 (JASO BBQ 2013 Map

◎ 参加費:  2,000円(会員・非会員)/学生 1,000円(学生証の提示が必要です)

                 子供(小学生以下)無料  ※参加費は当日会場にてお支払いください。

◎ 定員:      JASO会員枠50名、学生枠50名(申し込み順に受付)

◎ お申し込み方法:  事務局までお問合せください jaso@suntory.co.jp

◎ 締め切り: 4月30日(火)もしくは定員に達した時点 

◎ キャンセル期限: 5月7日(火)


重要: 中止のご連絡について

5月9日(木)16:00頃に天気予報等の情報に基づき実施/中止の判断を行います。中止となる場合は、申込書にご記載いただいた方法にてご連絡を致します。実施の場合はご連絡致しません。また、協会HPにも同じタイミングで「中止」もしくは「実施」の情報を掲載いたしますので、必ずご確認ください。 www.jaso-1946.com


 事務局の携帯電話 080-2224-5403 (5月12日のみ有効)

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