CtH[V infomation


2025年 新年会のご案内
Announcement of the 2025 New Year’s Party


拝啓 師走の候 皆様ますますご健勝のこととお慶び申し上げます。
新春恒例の「2025年 新年パーティ」を下記の通り開催いたします。

敬 具

日  時   2025年1月17日(金) 18:30~20:30 (受付 18:00 開場 18:15)
場  所   リーガロイヤルホテル 2F 「山楽の間」 (立食パーティ)
参 加 費    会員13,000円(非会員15,000円)、小学生以下及び米国人留学生6,000円



お申込方法     2024年12月25日(水)迄に添付の申込書にご記入の上、
参加費のお支払   2024年12月25日(水)迄に下記口座へお振込みください。
キャンセル期限   2024年12月25日(水)


銀行・支店名・種別・番号:三菱UFJ銀行 大阪営業部 普通0277905 
口座名義:大阪日米協会(事務局長 髙添善匡) オオサカニチベイキョウカイ ジムキョクチョウ タカゾエ ヨシマサ

会長 黒田 雅史

Dear Members,

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support.
To celebrate the start of a New Year with you, we are pleased to announce that we will be holding our annual "2025 New Year Party as follows.
This year as well, we will be holding a lucky draw with many prizes to be won while celebrating the beginning of a New Year with you.
We are looking forward to your participation and meeting you at the party.


Masashi Kuroda
Japan-America Society of Osaka

Date & Time:     Friday, January 17th 18:30~20:30 
           (Reception for participation 18:00~ Doors open at 18:15)
Venue:        RIHGA Royal Hotel Osaka 2F “Sanraku Room”
Fees:         Member \13,000 (non-member \15,000)
            Children (elementary School and under) 6,000 U.S. Student 6,000

Fill in the form below and send back to us via fax or email no later than Wednesday, Dec.25th.
We would appreciate receiving your sign-up fee through bank transfer by Wednesday,Dec.25th.
*Due to the operation of the ceremony, we are unable to accept applications after the application deadline.
*No refunds will be made for cancellations made after December 25 (Wed.).
*For the meal preparation, we have set an earlier deadline for registration than in previous years.
 We apologize for the inconvenience and ask for your understanding.

Bank:Mitsubishi UFJ Bank          Branch:Osaka-Eigyobu,
Account no: Futsuu Kouza #0277905     Account name: Osaka Nichibei Kyokai

【ご案内状兼申込書/Notice and Sign-up Sheet】
2025年 新年パーティのご案内
2025 New Year’s Party

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