CtH[V infomation


2022年度年次総会・懇親会のご案内 ~2022 Annual General Meeting and the Reception~



拝啓 時下ますますご清祥の段、お慶び申し上げます。









17:00             受付開始

17:30~18:00        年次総会

18:00~20:00        懇親会


◎場所:リーガロイヤルホテル 2階 「山楽の間」


◎会費:会員 9,000円、非会員 11,000円、米国人学生 3,000円





※キャンセル期限 7月14日(木)

三菱UFJ銀行  大阪営業部 普通0277905 口座名:大阪日米協会(事務局長 花畑暢夫(はなはた のぶお))





Dear Members,


I am pleased to announce that we will hold 2022 Annual General Meeting on Friday, July 22th, 2022 at RIHGA Royal Hotel Osaka.

Among agendas to be discussed are reports on the activities that took place during the fiscal year of 2021 and event proposals for the fiscal year of 2022.


Following the Meeting we will have a reception for getting to know with new members, mingling with the old faces and catching up with latest news.

I look forward to your participation and seeing you at the event.




Date & time:  Friday, July 22th, 2022

17:00                    Registration desk opens

17:30~18:00       Annual General Meeting

18:00~20:00       Reception


Place:  RIHGA Royal Hotel Osaka 2F, “SANRAKU”


Fee:     Member \9,000 / non-member \11,000 / American Student member \3,000


Fill in the form below and send back to us via fax or email no later than Tuesday, July 12th, 2022

Sign-up fee should be paid through bank transfer by Thursday, July 14th, 2022

Please note that the cancelation deadline is on Thursday, July 14th, 2022.


Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, Osaka-Eigyobu,

Account no. Futsuu Kouza 0277905, Account name: Osaka Nichibei Kyokai


We are looking forward to your participation and meeting you at the party.


Annual General Meeting(JASO E)


Hidetaka Yoshikawa


Japan-America Society of Osaka





事務局お休みのお知らせ ~Holiday Closing~



Announcement of Holiday Closing
JASO Office will be closed from Friday, April 29 to Sunday, May 8. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.



音楽イベント「空の共演」のご案内 ~Information of the Music Event “Sky Co-starring”~

会 員 各 位


拝啓 時下ますますご清祥の段、お慶び申し上げます。


この度、大阪日米協会 主催、在大阪・神戸米国総領事館 共催として米国空軍太平洋音楽隊ビッグバンドと航空自衛隊中部音楽隊による







敬 具



▪ 日時:    2022年6月19日(日) 14:00~16:00(受付開始13:00)

▪ 場所:    大阪商工会議所 7F 国際会議ホール(大阪市中央区本町橋2番8号)


▪ 会費:    会員/非会員 無料

▪ 定員:    200名(申込多数の場合は抽選)

▪ お申し込み: 下記にご記入いただき5月20日(金)までにFaxかEmailで



※ 参加の確定は5月31日(火)迄にご連絡させていただく予定です。





To All Members


I hope that all is well with you.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support.

The Japan-America Society of Osaka and the Consulate General of the United States in Osaka-Kobe are pleased to present a concert featuring the U.S. Air Force Pacific Band Big Band and the Japan Air Self-Defense Force Chubu Band.

Due to the limited space, the number of participants will be limited to 200, and if there are too many registrations, a drawing will be held. Each member may register up to one accompanying person.

We look forward to receiving your application.

In the case of a lottery, the drawing will be conducted on a per-application basis.

In the case of a pair application, only one person will not be selected.

Sincerely yours


・Date & Time: June 19, 2022 (Sun.) 14:00-16:00 (Registration starts at 13:00)

・Place: International Conference Hall, Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry 7F

(2-8 Honmachibashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka)

Please use public transportation. Cars are strictly prohibited.

・Fee: Free for members/non-members

・Capacity: 200 people (if there are too many applications, the number will be determined by lottery)

Please fill out the form below and send it by Fax or Email by Friday, May 20.


We will contact you by May 31 (Tue.) to confirm your participation.


Announcement letter(JASO E)


大阪日米協会からのお知らせ NEWS

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